1. Tools, descriptions of host software | File, Link | Issue |
Installation tool to install callisto-application, frequency-generator,
auto-scheduler, java-viewer and some other minor important tools. Callisto installer guide by W. Reeve, Anchorage |
CallistoInstallerGuide.pdf (1536 KB) CallistoInstaller_V22.zip (9449 KB) |
0.4, 2021-09-01/wr 2.2, 2021-10-30/cm |
Host software for Philips tuner CD1316LS/IHP-3 + CD1316LS/IV-3 + CD1316LS/IV running on Windows XP, 2000, Vista, Win 7, Win 8.1, Win 10, Win 11. | Callisto-V124.zip (1.507 MB) | 1.24, 2019-05-26 |
Host software for Philips tuner CD1316LS/IHP-3 + CD1316LS/IV-3 + CD1316LS/IV running on Windows XP, 2000, Vista, Win 7, Win 8.1, Win 10, Win 11. This version is a new compilation under Win 11 with less x-labels in XY-plot. | Callisto-V125.zip (1.507 MB) | 1.25, 2023-11-15 |
Separate DLL used for Borland C++ Builder 6 | DLL (1695 KB) | 1.0, 2011-06-21 |
LINUX software on an external server of Metsähovi Radio Observatory, Finland (prepared by Juha Aatrokoski, MRO) | LINUX-Link Installation manual (408 KB) |
1.0, 2011-03-22 / 2021-06-05 / 2021-08-05 |
DEBIAN software to be installed with apt install (prepared by Alex Myczko, ETH) | DEBIAN-Link | 1.0, 2020-02-04 |
UBUNTU software (prepared by Alex Myczko, ETH) | UBUNTU-Link | 1.0, 2020-02-04 |
RASPIAN software (prepared by Alex Myczko, ETHZ. SW tested on Raspberry Pi 4 by C. Monstein.) | Raspian (Debian-like) Installation manual and FTP-PERL-script. (16 KB) |
1.1.0-2, 2022-01-08 |
Callisto-Lx: Callisto on Raspberry Pi, supported by Whitham D. Reeve, Anchorage, Alaska | Reeve_Callisto-LxRPI.pdf | 1.0, 2017-04-26 |
Callisto-Lx: Setup and Operation Guide, supported by Whitham D. Reeve, Anchorage, Alaska | Reeve_Callisto-Lx_Setup.pdf | 1.0, 2017-04-26 |
Python-/.sh/.bat scripts to convert SRS-files from LEARMONTH to Callisto-compatible FIT-files. Authors: Manuel Prieto and Alejandro Martin, Universidad de Alcala, Spain. |
LEAR_SRS2FIT.zip (7 KB). | 1.0, 2023-02-07 |
2. Tools, descriptions of supporting tools | File, Link | Issue |
Tool to generate a frequency program (frqnnnnn.cfg) out of a spectral overview (files OVS*.PRN) |
Fgeni.zip (1060 KB) | 2.4, 2018-12-10 |
Yet another tool to plot ASCII-files with 2 columns (*.txt, *.prn and *.csv), especially files generated by spectral overviews. Y-axis in dB
with 0 dB as the lowest value Current version allows zooming into x- and y-axis. Y-scaling linear or logarithmic |
M9703APlotter_v2.zip (1071 KB) | 2.0, 2018-10-28 |
Yet another tool to plot spectral overview files, generated by Callisto. Allows zooming in and out as well as saving in many different graphics formats. Tool requires Python 2.7 and read the manual which is inside the zip! | Plott_OVS.zip (310 KB) | 1.0, 2017-10-29 |
Tool to automatically adjust Start- and Stop times in the file scheduler.cfg, depending on location parameter | AutoSched.zip (494 KB) | 1.0, 2017-07-21 |
Tool to manually adjust IF-filters | Simple.zip (386 KB) | 1.0, 2011-06-17 |
Noise figure plotter and simple digitizer, useful to adjust and test IF-filters. Noise figure plotter requires automatic calibration unit including semiconductor noise source. This version allows COM-port up to COM22 | NoiseFigurePLotterV193.zip (1128 KB) | 1.93, 15.08.2018 |
Tool to generate plots and graphic files out of a light-curve file, based on DISLIN. Foreseen as a tool for real-time observation like transit measurments | PlotLC_V1.2.zip (1686 KB) |
1.3, 2017-08-13 |
Tool to generate a plot out of a light-curve file, based on PNG-library. PNG-file foreseen to be sent to a website. | wwwgen_V1.22.zip (348 KB) | 1.22, 2023-08-31 |
Tool to plan observational parameter for the most important radio sources | Astro.zip (947 KB) | 3.2, 2009-01-14 |
Tool to view FITS-file written in Java by P. Messmer. Needs Java runtime system installed in advance | JavaViewer.jar (244 KB) | 2007-01-09 |
Tool to view FITS-file written in Java by P. Messmer. Needs Java runtime system installed in advance. Newer version which can also read HDF5 files written by J. Akeret | RAPPViewer.jar (9930 KB) | 2015-05-21 |
Script and Batch-file to move data to a remote server. It also produces a backup on any separate drive (nees to be adapted individually). Script trigerred by free scheduler tool 'ssfree.exe' | ftpupload_V3.zip (2549 KB) Manual (501 KB) W. Reeve |
0.2, 2018-06-18 0.6, 2018-10-28 |
Script and Batch-file to move data to a remote server. It also produces a backup on any separate drive (nees to be adapted individually). Script trigerred by free scheduler tool 'ssfree.exe'. Here, the FIT-file will be gzipped before uploaded to save time and money... | ftp-gz.zip (2 KB) PERL-FTP-GZip_Instructions.pdf (226 KB) | 2021-07-15 CM 2021-09-01, 2023-10-25 WR |
3. Manuals, descriptions | File, Link | Issue |
Operating manual (Pocket Guide) | eCallistoManual.pdf (549 KB) | 1.14, 2011-06-01 |
Detailed software setup manual [original=latest version] (Link to W. Reeve, Alaska) | SetupManual (~2.4 MB) | Link |
Detailed software setup manual [local copy] (W. Reeve, Alaska) | SetupManual (2413467 Bytes) | 3.0, 2024-12-31) |
USB-port management (Link to W. Reeve, Alaska) | USBportmanagement (~0.95 MB) | Link |
Investigation of Compatibility Problems When Using Callisto withWindows 7 (Link to W. Reeve, Alaska) | USB-Serial-Investigation (~490 KB) | Link |
English manaul for FTP-Watchdog (new version W. Reeve, Alaska) | Instructions FTP-WatchDog (697 KB) | 3.00, 2013-02-06 |
Editing Windows Registry for Time Synchronization | Timing (html) | 1.00, 2017-05-05 |
4. Descriptions of RISC processor software (firmware) | File, Link | Issue |
ATmega16 Software for CD1316L/IV, 27 MHz 2nd local oscillator | ATmega16-V17.zip (242 KB) | 1.7, 2011-06-21 |
ATmega16 Software for CD1316L/IV, 25.43 MHz 2nd local oscillator including HEX-files | ATmega16-V18.zip (289 KB) | 1.8, 2013-03-02 |
5. Examples in IDL, SSWIDL | File, Link | Issue |
Plotting in SSWIDL, how to use functions | SSWIDL-Link | 1.00, 2009-01-23, A. Csillaghy FHNW |
How to upgrade from IDL to SSWIDL | SSW-upgrade (2 KB) | 1.00, 2013-06-21, M. Battaglia FHNW |
How to plot a spectral overview (intensity versus frequency) | ov.zip (90KB) | 1.00, 2009-04-21 |
How to plot a frequency program (frequency versus channel number) | fplot.zip (233KB) | 1.00, 2009-04-21 |
How to plot a light curve (intensity versus time) | LCplot.zip (233KB) | 1.00, 2009-04-21 |
How to plot a single spectrum (intensity versus frequency) | specplot.zip (233KB) | 1.00, 2009-04-21 |
How to plot a 2D-spectrum (intensity versus time and frequency) | 2dspcplot.zip (233KB) | 1.00, 2009-04-21 |
How to plot FITS-files overlapping in time domain | overlapplot.zip (611KB) | 1.00, 2009-04-21 |
How to plot FITS-files overlapping in frequency domain | Phoenix3.zip (2396KB) | 1.00, 2010-01-28 |
6. Examples in PYTHON (tested under Python3.7 via ANACONDA and SPYDER) | File, Link | Issue |
Simple tool to plot, zoom and save a single FIT-file with z-axis expressed in dB above average background. Script requires Python 2.7 and do read the manual (inside the zip) first! | Plott_FIT.zip (1387 KB) | 1.20, 2023-05-01 |
Plot FIT-file with/without background subtraction and x-axis in 'normal' time-format while the other scripts show either seconds or decimal hours | FITplotWithAxes.zip (1506 KB) | 1.10, 2023-05-01 |
Simple example in Python version with column- and row-number as axis-labels. The zip-file also contains a FIT-file with a type III burst as well as a zoomed plot | Example_00 (625 KB) | 1.10, 2013-05-01 |
Simple example in Python version with time and frequency as axis-labels. The zip-file also contains a FIT-file with a type III burst as well as a zoomed plot | Example_01 (608 KB) | 1.10, 2013-05-01 |
Example with background subtracted in Python version with time and frequency as axis-labels. The zip-file also contains a FIT-file with a type III burst as well as a zoomed plot | Example_02 (481 KB) | 1.10, 2013-05-01 |
Python example on how to plot a FIT-file including saving the frequency table as an ASCII-file in normal and reversed sequence | SaveFrequenciesFromFITS (547 KB) | 1.10, 2023-05-01 |
Python example plots several versions of a 2D spectrogram, light curves and single spectra. Delete one window after the other to see the next one. | Python2D_LC_SS.zip (270 KB) | 1.01, 2017-09-15 |
Python example to plot several files with nice x-axis label, label rotation +-90°. Background subtraction included. Script was generated in view of COSPAR2020 workshop at Kodaikanal Solar Observatory KSO. Example contains a FIT-file from Greenland | niceplot.zip (296 KB) | 1.0, 2020-01-16 |
Radio astronomy exercise with basic SI units. We have to be very careful with units to use them in der basic version (m, kg, W, W/m^2, Ws, ....) | solution_python2.7.py (2 KB) | 1.00, 2017-12-09 |
Radio astronomy exercise with units from astropy. We do not need to take care about units anymore (any like Jy, cm, J, ...) | solution_python2.7_u.py (2 KB) | 1.00, 2017-12-09 |
Script to read and plot 2D-spectra from fits-files, generated by small radio telescopes, following a concept of Astropeiler.de | plottscans.py (5 KB) | 1.02, 2020-05-23 |
Script to read and plot single spectra from fits-files, generated by small neutral hydrogen radio telescopes, following a concept of Astropeiler.de
This script doesn't deal with Callisto data! |
plotfits.py (2 KB) | 1.0, 2020-05-23 |
Yet another Python library to plot Callisto FIT-files, produced by Dr. K. Sasikumar Raja, Project Scientist - II, Aditya-L1 Mission / VELC Project, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, II Block, Koramangala, Bangalore - 560 034, INDIA, sasikumarraja(at)gmail.com, and his colleague Ravindra Pawase, Balewadi, Pune - 411 045, INDIA, ravi.pawase(at)gmail.com.
Zip-file contains just one example of several which can be found on GitHub. Library can be found here: https://github.com/ravipawase/pyCallisto and an explaining paper here: https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.16300 |
ravipawase_rev.zip (546 KB) | 1.1, 2020-07-03 |
Vivek Reddy has created a Python package for downloading spectrograms from the e-Callisto website taking advantage of its data files structure.
This package callistoDownloader is hosted on GitHub and is also pip installable PyPI. Basic example for Anaconda Python3 (Spyder) Basic example in Jupyter Notebook |
GitHub PyPI demo.py Example |
1.0, 2021-10-21 1.0, 2021-10-21 1.0, 2021-10-21 1.0, 2022-03-08 |
Python-based menu that allows easy downloading of data by given dates with and without solar events in png, gz, fit or npy format. | GitHub - c-yanguas/Menu-Callisto: Menu for downloading data from the E-Callisto network. | 1.1, 2022-05-04 |
Script to read and display SWPC/NOAA event-list from the previous day. Download in a folder of your preference and unzip. Copy batch file 'get.bat' to your desktop and double click. | GetOldEvents.zip (2 KB) | 1.0, 2020-12-29 |
Script to read and display GOES-16 x-ray flux. Example file with 1s time resolution included.
Data with 1minute average from here: https://data.ngdc.noaa.gov/platforms/solar-space-observing-satellites/goes/goes16/l2/data/xrsf-l2-avg1m_science/ Or with 1s resolution here: https://data.ngdc.noaa.gov/platforms/solar-space-observing-satellites/goes/goes16/l2/data/xrsf-l2-flx1s/ Download in a folder of your preference and unzip. |
goes16.zip (3479 KB) | 1.0, 2021-10-16 |
Script to generate eclipse plots for any geographical location (right mouse click -> download). Download in a folder of your preference and run with Python3 (e.g. with Spyder on Anaconda). Two plots will be generated, one azimuth and elevation for Sun and Moon and a 2nd one for distance between Sun and Moon. |
EclipsePlots.py (4 KB) | 1.0, 2023-03-25 |
Script to calculate azimuth and elevation for geostationary satellites (right mouse click -> download). Download in a folder of your preference and run with Python3 (e.g. with Spyder on Anaconda). Enter longitude, latitude and satellite declination (deviation from 0-meridian), then run the script. |
GeoAzEl.py (2 KB) | 2.0, 2023-03-25 |
Script to plot dynamic spectrum, light curves and S4 plots (right mouse click -> download). Download in a folder of your preference, unzip and run with Python3 (e.g. with Spyder on Anaconda). ZIP-file contains example FIT-files from Siberia and plots for testing the script Enter/edit all parameter under 'User input parameter', then run the script. |
S4FITS.zip (1177 KB) | 2.0, 2023-03-26 |
Yet another script to plot dynamic spectrum, light curves and S4 plots (right mouse click -> download). Download in a folder of your preference, unzip and run with Python3 (e.g. with Spyder on Anaconda). ZIP-file contains example FIT-files from Roswell New Mexico and plots for testing the script Enter/edit all parameter under 'User input parameter', then run the script. |
S4FITS-Roswell.zip (1427 KB) | 2.0, 2023-03-26 |