Products (instruments and accessories)

Callisto related products

CALLISTO frequency agile spectrometer. Description CHF Swiss Francs
One Callisto frequency agile radio spectrometer in aluminum enclosure, tested in the laboratory.
Including RS-232 extension cable SUB-D9 1:1 ~1.5m
Including RS-232/USB-adapter
Including international power supply 12V with different mains-connectors
Software and tools free of charge.>
You may also ask for used, but refurbished instruments.
Instrument weight including serial cable(s) and power adapter 1.2 kg, instrument net weight ~800 grams.
Stock: 4 complete units.
spectrometer PCB
One Callisto frequency agile radio spectrometer PCB without aluminum enclosure, tested in the laboratory.
No power adapter and no USB/RS-232-adapter, just a short cable with RS-232 connector (SUB-D9).
Software and tools free of charge.
Stock: 7 units.
Upgrade and firmware update of old spectrometers, taking into account
engineering change requests (ECR) and non-conformance reports (NCR).
Replacement of out-dated EEPROM, improvement of IF-frequency selection (new quartz),
general repair and finally qualification tests with access to results.
Repair of a broken CALLISTO after over-voltage or due to aging process.
Including full qualification testing and protocolls.
Shipping cost (to be added) depends on country and delivery time (economy or urgent).

Low noise amplifier for mounting on a wall or on a mast/pole (LNA2000). Description CHF Swiss Francs
This frontend (cover not shown in the left image) is designed for outdoor operation, close to the antenna.
Frontend contains a low noise amplifier NF < 1.5 dB, ~17 dB gain at 500 MHz.
Full aluminum enclosure with good shielding.
Including a 2-stage lightning protector with a limiter at the LNA input for protection against static charges.
Extra attenuator of 1 dB as protection of LNA-output against static charges of the cable from the Bias-Tee/spectrometer
Including separate Bias-Tee to inject 12V dc.
Power supply via Bias-Tee and coax-cable, no extra dc-cable required.
Including international power supply 12V with 4 connectors.
Size and connector of Bias-T may change, depending on manufacturer.
Delivery including mast-adapter and mounting bolts stainles steel.
4 holes are foreseen to screw or bolt to a wall, roof or any other structure.
It is recommended to protect connectors from direct rain by kind of roof.
LNA2000 can be mounted in any position, flat, vertical or horizontal, even underneath.
Instrument weight including power adapter, bias-tee and cable ~1.7 kg, LNA2000 net weight ~1.41 kg.
Stock: 3, further production only on request.

Single channel heterodyne up-converter (SUpCon). Description CHF Swiss Francs
Passive up-converter to observe lower frequencies than the native frequency range of Callisto.
Such a heterodyne up-converter is meant as a tool to observe solar radio bursts with a LWA, Bicone or simple Dipole.
Depending on component availability, it may look slightly different inside.
Also local oscillator frequency (nominal 175 MHz) depends on LO-availability on the market.
Size: 190 mm x 110 mm x 90 mm, weight without power adapter 0.7 kg. With power adaper 0.82 kg.
Stock: 2. Further production only on request.
RF-schematics. Option attenuator is only required in case of LWA with high front-end gain.
All other antennas (LPDA, Dipole, BICONE) don't require attenuator at the input.
In case of an order, I need to know the type of antenna.

Dual channel heterodyne up-converter (DUpCon). Description CHF Swiss Francs
Passive dual channel heterodyne up-converter to observe frequencies below the native frequency range of Callisto.
This unit is meant as up-converter for LWA (LHCP and RHCP) to observe 10 MHz - 78 MHz.
Local oscillator is quartz controlled at 175 MHz, some at 200 MHz depending on availability.
Output frequency range dedicated for Callisto: 185 - 253 MHz.
For LWA applications, both channels are frequency- and phase synchronous.
For single dipole applications we suggest another converter, as shown above.
Power consumption: 12 volts, 130 mA ... 150 mA, ~1.8 watts. Weight: 1.3 kg
Size: 257 mm x 170 mm x 55 mm
Prize includes a 12 volt power adapter with international connector set.
Depending on component availability, it may look slightly different inside.
Stock: 2, one with LO = 175 MHz and a 2nd one with LO=200 MHz. Further production only on request.

Single channel heterodyne down-converter (LDcon). Description CHF Swiss Francs
Combined LNA and heterodyne down-converter to observe frequencies above the native frequency range of Callisto.
We can provide converter to observe solar radio bursts in L-band 1045-1600 MHz as well as GNSS signals, e.g. GPS and others.
LNA and heterodyne-converter are mounted in one single aluminium-box (IP66) and are supplied via coax cable and via a Bias-Tee.
Depending on component availability, it may look slightly different inside.
Also local oscillator and frequency-range depend on componente-availability on the market.
The image on the left shows the box without the option: 'Calibration Unit'.
Weight without Bias-Tee and without 12V power adapter ~5kg.

Other frequency ranges (S-band, C-band, X-band etc.) on request.
Stock: 0. Further production only on request.

DiSEqC satellite rotor controller for 2 rotors. Description CHF Swiss Francs
Interface to control up to two satellite-rotors based on DiSEqC-control sequences.
Interface connected via a USB-cable to a notebook or PC.
Python scripts will be provided, one for azimuth/elevation and another one for parallactic mode in hour-angle/declination.
Rotor is powered and controlled via the same 75 Ω TV-coax cable.
Controller will be delivered with USB-cable and an 18 volt power adapter with a set of international connectors.
Instrument weight including power adapter and USB cable 0.8 kg.
Stock: 2 unit.
Backside with two F-connectors for two satellite rotors, USB-connection to any PC or Raspberry Pi and DC input 13V (slow) .... 18V (fast).
Latest description, see Hardware.

Complete two-axis satellite rotor system including DiSEqC-controller (see above) and including clamping adapters.
Coax cables with F-connectors as well as two 90° F-connectors can be provided (extra cost, depending on length).
Deflection is maximum -79° ... +78° in azimuth and in elevation which in most cases is sufficient to track the Sun when it is above the horizon.
A Python script to automatically track the Sun is provided for free. Scripts to track Moon or other sources can be provided too.
Mast or pole or rod is NOT part of delivery, needs to be organized by the user locally.
Rotors are prepared to be mounted together.
Prototype image on the left: P. Hirt, Muhen.
Stock: 14 rotors to build up 7 dual-axis systems.
Weight and size: 2 rotors à 2.7 kg + mechanics 1.9 kg + controller 0.8kg + optional cables minimum 9 kg
In case of shipping there is a box required, thus the total weight will be in the order of ~13 kg.
The same system as above but, here in off-axis mounting which requires less components.
The weight is out off axis while the solution above takes care to get the moment more on-axis.
The mechanical parts we provide allow both solutions, depending on customers needs.
The above solution gives more freedom for the moving antenna while this (left image) solution has some restrictions for antenna movement.
The user should decide which mounting version is best for his type of antenna and usage.
Prototype image on the left: PI of, Freienbach/Switzerland.

Spare parts and support instrumentation/tools. Description CHF Swiss Francs
power adapter
Power adapter with 4 international connectors.
Order the right voltage (Callisto 12V, some converters require 15V and DiSEqC uses 18V).
Weight including card-box 0.15 kg.
Bias-Tee to feed DC into the coax which goes up to the front-end (LNA).

Band pass filter for CALLISTO low frequency observations, e.g. LWA-based.
Pass band: 10-78 MHz, insertion loss less than 2 dB. Both sides female SMA-connector.
Meant as input-filter for heterodyne-up-converters.
Stock: 1 filter.
Band pass filter for CALLISTO L-band observations.
Pass band: 1000 - 1650 MHz, insertion loss less than 0.7 dB. Both sides female SMA-connector.
Meant as input-filter for heterodyne-down-converters.
Detailed data sheet Data sheet for cavity filter.
Measured s21 s21 for cavity filter.
Stock: 8 filter.
Adapter USB / RS-232 which has been successfully tested many times.

Serial extension cable
Serial extension cable SUB-D9f/m.

N-type adapter to connect coaxial cable extensions.
Adapter female/female is meant to connect two coaxial cables.
Adapter male/male is meant to connect amplifier and CALLISTO or Bias-Tee and CALLISTO or ...
Other adapters N/SMA, N/BNC, SMA/BNC etc. on request.

10.00 per adapter
Passive equalizer to compensate for cable loss at low frequencies.
Main-application: Reduction of low frequency gain for long wavelength antenna (LWA).
Unit is meant as an interface betwenn coaxial cable and spectrometer.
Dimensions of enclosure: 42 mm x 32 mm x 12 mm.
Stock: 2, production only on request.
Insertion loss
Measured insertion loss s21/s12 and input-/output-matching s11/s22 of prototype model #1 in frequency range of CALLISTO.
25 MHz: -27.7 dB, 50 MHz: -21.2 dB, 100 MHz: -13.7 dB, 200 MHz: -5.3 dB, 400 MHz: -1.3 dB, 800 MHz: -1.9 dB.

Crystal controlled oscillator, based on a Silicon Labs device Si550 used to build heterodyne-upconverters.
Frequency: 175.000 MHz (fundamental), Power +10.0 ... +12 dBm.
1st harmonic at 350.000 MHz, power -17 dBm.
2nd harmonic at 525.000 MHz, power -35 dBm.
Supply: 5.0 +/- 0.1 volts, 110 mA.
Enclosure size without SMA-connector: 42 mm x 32 mm x 12 mm.
Net weight: 37 grams.
Stock: 1, production only on request.
Crystal controlled oscillator, based on a Silicon Labs device Si550 used to build heterodyne-upconverters.
Frequency: 200.000 MHz (fundamental), Power +10.0 ... +12 dBm.
Spurious ≤-50 dBc.
Supply: 5.0 +/- 0.1 volts, ~110 mA.
Enclosure size without SMA-connector: 42 mm x 32 mm x 12 mm.
Net weight: 37 grams.
Stock: 2, further production only on request.
noise source
Low cost noise source to check rf-chain with or without LNA and CALLISTO.
Frequency range 10 MHz ... ~900 MHz.
Depending on components 15 dB ENR ... 25 dB ENR. A measurement protocol will be provided with order.
Supply voltage 15 volts at ~7 mA.
Enclosure size with SMA-connector and with feed-through capacitor: 65 mm x 50 mm x 12 mm.
Net weight: 54 grams.
Stock: 1, further production only on request.
calibration unit
Calibration unit CalU including SPDT and noise source to calibrate solar radio observations in SFU. Needs to be switched in between antenna (LPDA) and low noise amplifier (LNA).
Frequency range 10 MHz ... ~1 GHz, impedance 50 ohms.
Size 155: mm x 95 mm x 25 mm, weight 305 grams.
Ideally together with calibration control unit CuC, see below.
CalU can also be ontrolled by any other means providing 15Vdc.
Draft description for calibration unit/controller.
Stock: 2. Further production only on request.
calibration unit control
Calibration unit controller CuC to control calibration unit CalU, see above. Allows to automatically control calibration process as well as to switch off/on Callisto and/or LNA.
Interface: USB to Arduino Micro.
Size 180: mm x 110 mm x 55 mm, weight 800 grams.
Two Python scripts will be provided free of charge, one for automatic control of calibration unit CalU and another one for automatic calibration of FIT-files from CALLISTO.
Preliminary application software for calibration unit and calibration controller (6 KB).
Preliminary Arduino firmware for calibration controller CuC (1.3 KB).
Stock: 2, further production only on request.

Shipping information:
Handling and shipping with Swiss Post economy, including tracking code in the range of 50CHF....250CHF.
Collecting instruments at ramp of 'Monstein Radio Astronomy Support (MRAS)' free of charge.
Prize depends on country of delivery, number and weight of components.
Prize will be provided together with quotation.

Options on request:
- Remote support during installation and configuration via email, Skype, RDP, AnyDesk
or ZOOM up to 2 hour per year for free. For more support 75CHF/hour.
- Local support during installation, configuration, operating, maintenance and/or
training of Callisto data analysis in Python. Ask for quotation. Usually we request
economy air ticket, visa, local transport, accommodation and meals. In case of non-commercial activities we usually don't ask for any salary.

Instrument delivery does include neither a PC, nor an antenna, nor mechanical mountings, nor high frequency coaxial cables between frontend and Callisto.
It is usually much cheaper to organize these parts locally. In case of severe local procurement issues you may ask for quotation for PC, coax cable etc.

Validity of quotation: 3 month due to currency fluctuations.

Delivery time: According to mutual agreement. COVID-19 or war issues might delay any delivery to foreign countries.

Guarantee: Three years after delivery for hardware and workmanship (except lightning strokes, water penetration and unprofessional handling)

Accepted payment methods:
Governmental institutions: payment within 30 days after receipt of instruments.
Private institutions delivery after payment.
1. Bank account (data will be supplied with invoice)
2. PayPal (name will be supplied with invoice)
3. Cash in CHF, US$ or € if local regulations allow

Request for quotation and orders please to: Monstein Radio Astronomy Support. with RFQ or ORDER in the subject.