Data access

Publication reference to data:

e-Callisto burst count e-Callisto burst count
e-Callisto burst count e-Callisto burst count

Older plots can be downloaded by typing their corresponding filename in the URL-window above, such as

Data access is free for everybody but we would appreciate credit to the Institute for Data Science FHNW Brugg/Windisch, Switzerland. In case Callisto data are used for any publications, the instrument PI expects to be invited to be a co-author of the paper. In addition, for any usage of data the corresponding host should be contacted before its use.
For this purpose, the paper must be sent to the PI at least two weeks prior to submission, so that he can review it,
possibly give comments, and decide whether he chooses to be a co-author.
Note that the explicit confirmation from the PI is needed for him to appear as a co-author on any such publication.
Affiliation and adress for co-authorship: Istituto ricerche solari Aldo e Cele Daccò (IRSOL), Faculty of Informatics, Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), CH-6605 Locarno, Switzerland.
ORCID code for publications ORCID

Description of the file-names, location and frequency range

ISWI Instrument Data Management Plan for Callisto